Friday, June 03, 2005

overheard at a restaurant

"My doctor is the coolest ever. I had to do a drug test for work--they wanted to make sure I'd stopped smoking pot. When he gave me the results he said, 'Well, you tested positive for cocaine--but since the test was only supposed to be for pot, I don't think anyone needs to know about this.'"


evilsciencechick said...

funny and scary at the same time.

hope she doesn't have an important job!

Karl Elvis said...

I need to get that doctor's name in case I go out for any government jobs...

Ray said...

Oh, yeah. Karl with a security clearance. That's funny shit, that is.

Rachel said...

That reminds me, I've got to renew my security clearance at Oak Ridge. ... At one time or another, I've had basic security clearances at five of the major North American experimental nuclear physics facilities. My FBI dossier is probably an inch thick.

Anonymous said...

I've had basic security clearances at five of the major North American experimental nuclear physics facilities. My FBI dossier is probably an inch thick.

Rachel said...

fascinating. my first comment spam. If I get more, I'll change posting requirements.

Ray said...

Yeah, it's gotten bad the past couple of nights. I wake up every morning and I've got a dozen trackback spams to clean up.

God, what scum.

Karl Elvis said...

I need more coffee. I read Ray's last comment as trackback sperm.

Hell yeah, you need to go clean up!