Tuesday, September 28, 2004


...so, what you're telling me is that if I take out a line of code that reverses how the centre-of-mass to lab frame transformation is done, I won't get the right angular distributions? huh. And that if I don't realize that this is what I've done, I'll waste several days debugging? huh.

I've said it before and I'll no doubt say it again: Life would be a whole lot easier if I were just a bit smarter.


Karl Elvis said...

If you were any smarter we'd all be in a LOT of trouble. You're far enough ahead of most of us as it is.

Anonymous said...

When in doubt, print it out. /me always puts in print statements into the code when there are issues. It can make it easier in figuring out where problems start occuring.

Oh yeah, and if you were a bit smarter that would make *my* head explode.